Self Sovereign Identity

We build scalable and roboust identity ecosystems

What we do

We Build Identity Ecosystems

We help you build your digital identity products and services that enable you to create provable virtual representations of physical credentials i.e driving license, college degree, blood test etc. Enabling your users to perform various everyday tasks online, such as KYC or verifying your identity to obtain a service online. When utilized effectively, a trusted digital identity can enhance security and simplify identity verification processes. Even the European Union is preparing to launch the European E-Wallet, which will facilitate digital identity management for EU citizens. Our skilled digital identity teams at Nordivo has assisted numerous customers in exploring and implementing comprehensive digital identity solutions for multiple use cases.

We work with Verifiable credentials (VCs) which are an acknowledged open standard by W3C for digital credentials. They can mirror information present in physical documents like passports or licenses, as well as include new, non-physical attributes like ownership of an account online or physical. VCs offer numerous advantages over physical credentials, particularly their digital signatures, ensuring they are tamper-resistant and immediately verifiable. Verifiable credential ecosystems empower our customers to build effective solutions for managing identities and verifiable data.

How we can help

Decentralized Identity Solutions

We can help you build your identity platform or ecosystem from scratch to production or help you scale it.


A W3C credenital issuance app or service to digitize and make information verfiable depending on your ecosystem needs.


Proof verfication using mobile or web apps. Enabling your ecosystem users to verify credentials on demand.


Android and iOS wallet for your users to hold their credentials and enable your ecosystem to build sovereign identities.


Leverage a blockchain for your identity ecosystem, write DIDs, Schemas and more onto a ledger.


Go ledgerless with your credentials to issue a verify at low cost and to achieve a high issuance speed.


Bring selective discloure to your ecosystem and prove credenitals without revaling attributes.

Why us

Our Expertise

  • Public or private blockchain based VCs
  • eIDAS and EBSI integration
  • Compliance with Trust Over IP (ToIP)
  • Communications protocols SIOP, OIDC, DIDComm and DID exchange
  • HealthTech, edTech, fintech, retail, eCommerce and other industries experience
  • Ledgerless verifiable credentials
  • AnonCreds, JSON-LD VCs, BBS+, SD-JWT-VC, LDP-VC, JWT VCs, x.509, ESSIF
  • All major DID methods integration support
  • Selective discloure with zero-knowledge proof
  • Solid Pods, Swarm or IPFS based sovereign storage

Interested in our services?

Contact us or schedule a brief meeting right now.